Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

The things our parents say to us as children often stay with us forever.
Children need to feel loved and accepted just for being themselves, not only when they do things well.

Every child is unique

Individual differences in children should be encouraged and valued.

Every child has his or her own contribution to make to family, friends and the community.

Children need to feel good about themselves

Positive self esteem is feeling good about yourself, feeling that you are worthwhile.

Self esteem gives children confidence and hope in their future. Children need to like themselves, to feel that they are important, capable and that they can achieve in their lives. Children with a healthy self esteem feel more confident about learning and trying new things.

Ways to tell children they are important

Tell them often that you love them for who they are.

Show them that you love them by spending time together, listening to them, giving them lots of hugs and smiles.

Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small.

Praise them for trying, no matter what the outcome.

Keep special reminders of their successes and milestones.

Let them help you do things.

Let them know it is OK to make mistakes, it is all part of learning.

Help them to build on their strengths.

Ask their opinion on family matters. It shows you care about what they think.

Help them to solve their own problems. Show them that you have faith in them.

Make limits and expectations clear and consistent.

Give feedback about inappropriate or unhelpful behaviour, but don't criticise your child.

Feedback should aim to teach, not hurt your child.

'I know my mum loves me because she thinks everything I do is great.'

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
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